4xx Client errors
Last updated Jul 26, 2023

410 - Gone

Benjamin Bouchet
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The HTTP Status Code 410 means that the resource requested is no longer available on the server and that will not be available again.

What Is HTTP Status Code 410?

Overview of HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Code 410, colloquially known as "Gone", is an integral part of the HTTP/1.1 standard, which is a protocol for transmitting hypermedia documents, like HTML, across the internet. This specific status code falls into the 4xx class of HTTP status codes, which represent client error responses.

HTTP Status Code 410: A Unique Status Code

However, HTTP Status Code 410 holds a unique position within this class of status codes. It is used to indicate that the requested resource is not just unavailable but is no longer available and there's no forwarding address. This contrasts it from the other 4xx error codes, which generally indicate temporary issues or errors that could be fixed by modifying the client request.

Understanding HTTP status codes and the subsequent HTTP response is essential for anyone involved in web development or administration. They serve as the web server's method of communicating the status of the requested resource to the client, which can be a web browser, a search engine bot, or any other user agent.

The significance of the 410 status code is that it conveys a sense of permanence. When a server sends a 410 response, it is deliberately stating that the requested resource was once here but has since been removed and won't be returning. The permanence of the “gone error” is what sets it apart from the more commonly seen 404 Not Found status code, which does not provide information on whether the unavailability of the target resource is temporary or permanent.

When and How Is HTTP Status Code 410 Used?

Practical Application of HTTP Status Code 410

HTTP Status Code 410 comes into play when a resource on the server has been intentionally removed and there's no alternate location provided. It's a strong signal to user agents, including search engines, that the resource is no longer available, and any links or references to it should be updated or removed.

Configuring HTTP Status Code 410 with Different Languages

Imagine a scenario where a website had a specific page that was valid and frequently accessed in the past. However, the information on that page is now outdated or irrelevant, and the decision is made to remove it. The server could be configured to return a 404 Not Found status, but that could imply that the page might return at a later time. By opting to return a 410 Gone status, the server sends a clear message to both users and web page crawlers that the page has been intentionally removed and is not expected to return.

To serve a 410 status, various server-side scripting languages could be employed, including PHP, Node.js, and Python. Below are examples of how to serve a 410 status in each of these languages:


header("HTTP/1.1 410 Gone");

In Node.js Express:


And in Python Flask:

from flask import Flask, abort
app = Flask(__name__)

def gone():

The 410 Gone status code, when used correctly, is a powerful tool for web maintenance and search engine optimization. It allows for precise management of resources, ensuring that outdated or irrelevant content doesn't clutter search engine results or confuse users. It also provides a clear signal to users about the status of the resource, improving the overall user experience.

Example Usage of HTTP Status Code 410

Case Scenario: Cleaning Up an Online Forum

HTTP Status Code 410, termed "Gone", serves as a digital tombstone. It is a definitive indicator that a requested resource was once present but has now been deliberately removed, with no intention of being reinstated. This has implications not only for your users' experience but even for your digital marketing efforts.

Let's consider a practical scenario. Assume you're a webmaster of an online forum that has evolved over the years. Some of the older threads are now obsolete and potentially misleading. You decide that these threads need to be permanently removed. Not only do you want to delete them, but you also want to inform the users and web crawlers that these resources are gone for good. This is where the HTTP Status Code 410 functionality comes into play.

Here's an example of how you would implement this in Node.js using the Express.js framework:

app.get('/old-forum-thread', function(req, res){
  res.status(410).send('This forum thread is gone and not coming back.');

This code ensures that any GET requests to '/old-forum-thread' will receive a 410 status code, along with the message clarifying the resource's status.

What Is the History of HTTP Status Code 410?

The Birth of HTTP Status Code 410 in HTTP/1.1

HTTP Status Code 410 was introduced as part of the HTTP/1.1 specification released by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC 2616 in June 1999. This was an enhancement to the previous HTTP/1.0 standard, aiming to provide more precise feedback about why a request might have failed.

The introduction of the 410 status code was crucial to allow servers to communicate not just the absence of a resource (as in a 404 Not Found response) but its permanent removal. In the vast and ever-evolving ecosystem of the web, this distinction brought about more efficient resource management, particularly concerning search engine optimization. Search engine algorithms could now differentiate between temporarily missing pages and those deliberately removed, leading to more accurate indexing and user search results.

How Does HTTP Status Code 410 Relate to Other Status Codes?

Understanding HTTP Status Code Classes

HTTP status codes, the three-digit numbers returned by a server in response to a client's request, are divided into five classes. The first digit indicates the class. 1xx is for informational responses, 2xx indicates success, 3xx is for redirection, 4xx signals client errors, and 5xx indicates server errors.

HTTP Status Code 410, as part of the 4xx class, implies a client-side error. This class of status codes suggests the client, or the user, might have made an error in their request, leading to an unsuccessful transaction.

HTTP Status Code 410 vs. 404 and 301

While 410 is often juxtaposed with 404 not found, they serve distinct purposes. A 404 status implies the origin server can't find the requested resource but doesn't necessarily mean it's permanently unavailable. The server may not know whether the condition is temporary or permanent. Conversely, a 410 status is an explicit declaration of permanent removal of a resource.

Another status code that 410 often interacts with is 301 (Moved Permanently). Unlike 410, a 301 status doesn't mean the end of a resource. Instead, it informs the client that the resource they're looking for has moved to a new URL and provides that new address. So, while 410 informs the client to stop seeking the resource, 301 gives them a new location to find it.

Understanding these status codes and their nuanced differences is essential for anyone involved in web development or management. They form the backbone of client-server communication on the web, and their correct usage leads to better user experience, more efficient web crawling, and indexing by search engines.

Other Intriguing Aspects of HTTP Status Code 410

The SEO Impact of HTTP Status Code 410 vs 404

Firstly, the choice between using a 410 Gone and a 404 Not Found status can significantly impact search engine optimization (SEO) and, consequently, a website’s rankings. This is because search engines treat these two status codes differently.

When a search engine encounters a 410 status code, it will drop the URL from its index more quickly than when it encounters a 404 status. Thus, if you're certain a page is permanently gone and you want it de-indexed as quickly as possible, using a 410 status code can expedite the process.

Redirection and HTTP Status Code 410

Secondly, unlike some other status codes, a 410 response code should not include a redirection header. The 410 status implies that the resource is permanently gone and not available elsewhere, so redirecting to another page contradicts the intended meaning of the 410 code.

Customizing the HTTP Status Code 410 Response

Lastly, it's worth noting that the HTTP/1.1 standard does not specify the contents of a 410 response. It could be a simple text message, a more detailed HTML page, or even an image. This flexibility allows web developers to provide additional information or context about the removal of the resource, enhancing the user experience even when delivering negative news. Some sites use this opportunity to inject a bit of brand personality into their error page messages, making the best of an otherwise unfortunate interaction.

So, while HTTP Status Code 410 might seem straightforward at first glance, there's a fair amount of strategic consideration and creative potential lurking beneath its surface.

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