2xx Successful
Last updated Jul 26, 2023

201 - Created

Benjamin Bouchet
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The HTTP Status Code 201 means that the request has been fulfilled by the server, and that a new resource has been created.

What is HTTP Status Code 201?

HTTP Status Code 201 is a fundamental part of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is at the core of web communication. As technical topics go, HTTP status codes are especially fascinating due to their importance in facilitating smooth interaction between clients and servers.

A Brief Overview of HTTP and Status Codes

HTTP essentially enables communication over the web using a client-server model. The client, often a web browser, sends an HTTP request to the server, which then processes the request and returns an HTTP response.

Status codes, which are three-digit numbers, are an important component of these responses. They essentially relay the outcome of the HTTP request from the server to the client, indicating whether the request was successful, redirected, or encountered an error.

Understanding HTTP Status Code 201

HTTP Status Code 201 belongs to the 2xx class of status codes, which denote successful requests. When a server responds with a 201 status code, it signals that a new resource has been successfully created as a result of the client's request.

The Importance of HTTP Status Code 201

Usually, the 201 status code is returned in response to a POST request. A POST request is used to submit data to a server to create a new resource. The 201 status code indicates that the server has successfully processed the request, the new resource has been created and is now ready for interaction. The new resource has its URL, provided in the Location Header field of the response, and is often included in the response body, usually as a JSON object for REST APIs.

When and How is HTTP Status Code 201 Used?

Knowing what HTTP Status Code 201 is is just half the story. To fully understand its function as a common status code, it's necessary to examine its use in real-life HTTP communication.

The Connection Between HTTP Status Code 201 and POST Requests

HTTP Status Code 201 is frequently tied to the POST request method. In this case, a client sends a POST request, complete with a body containing data for the new resource, to the server. The server then processes this request, and if successful, creates a new resource and sends back a 201 status response code, signaling that the resource was successfully created.

The Response: Payload and Location Header Field

When a server returns a 201 status code, it includes the newly created resource in the response payload or the response body. In addition, the unique URL of the new resource is provided in the Location header field of the HTTP response header fields, which is vital for the client's future access to the resource as a user agent.

HTTP Status Code 201's Role in Web Application Development

In web application development, the 201 status code plays a critical role. It provides a standard way of communicating the successful creation of new resources between the client and server. This greatly enhances the user experience, keeping users informed about the status of their requests and allowing for seamless interaction with newly created primary resources.

Example usage of HTTP Status Code 201

The Simple Explanation

Let's visualize a scenario: you're on a website and you fill out a form to create a new account. Upon hitting the "submit" button, your browser sends a request to the server to create your new account behind the scenes. If your account is created successfully, the server sends back an HTTP Status Code of 201, which is a fancy way of saying "Your new account is ready to go!"

The Technical Explanation

For a more technical perspective, consider an API that lets users create new blog posts. The user sends a `POST` request, which might include a JSON body, to the API:

  "title": "My New Blog Post",
  "content": "This is the content of my blog post."

If the server successfully makes the new blog post, it could respond with a status code of 201 and a response body like:

  "id": 123,
  "title": "My New Blog Post",
  "content": "This is the content of my blog post.",
  "createdAt": "2023-06-06T00:00:00Z"

Here, the 201 status code informs the client that the blog post was created successfully, while the server includes the details of the new blog post in the response body.

What is the History of HTTP Status Code 201?

HTTP status codes, including the 201 status code, have been an integral part of the HTTP protocol since it was first developed. The HTTP 1.0 specification, released in 1996, had a comprehensive set of status codes, including 201. The purpose of the 201 status code, both then and now, is to signal that a request to create a new resource has been fulfilled.

How does HTTP Status Code 201 relate to other status codes?

HTTP status codes are categorized into five groups. The first digit of the status code designates its class. The 201 status code belongs to the 2xx class, which signifies successful requests.

Other 2xx status codes include 200 (OK), signaling general success, and 204 (No Content), indicating success but with no content returned in the response body. Unlike other successful requests, the 201 status code specifically denotes that a new resource has been created.

In contrast, 4xx and 5xx status codes represent client and server errors, respectively. For example, a 404 (Not Found) status code means that the requested resource couldn't be located, while a 500 (Internal Server Error) status code points to a server-side error. The 201 status code assures the client that the request was successful, thus avoiding such errors.

Other interesting things to know about HTTP Status Code 201

Did you know that beyond indicating the successful creation of a new resource, HTTP status code 201 has wider implications in web development, especially when building RESTful APIs?

When a server responds with a 201 status code, it's not just communicating success; it's also providing crucial information about the new resource. The server usually includes a Location header pointing to the URL of the new resource. This is especially useful for applications involving user-generated content, where the location of new posts or comments can be immediately communicated to the client for rendering.

Additionally, the 201 response often includes a representation of the new resource, such as a JSON object in the case of a REST API. This helps to ensure that the client and server agree on the state of the new resource, improving the consistency and reliability of the application.

Interestingly, the proper use of the 201 status code also reflects best practices in web development. It symbolizes a commitment to clear communication between the client and server and adherence to the principles of HTTP as a stateless protocol. By sticking to the appropriate use of HTTP status codes, developers can build more robust, reliable, and scalable applications.

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